A Review of the Top 3 Games of 2015

The top console games for 2015 are without doubt Call Of Duty Black Ops 3, Fallout 4 And Halo 5. Though picking those titles was far from easy, as the standard of games on offer this year is simply incredible!

Call of Duty: Black Ops 3, is a shooter game that has been fine-tuned for co-op play. When playing with a friend, Black Ops 3 is one of the most varied and enjoyable shooters ever, in terms of competitive multiplayer, Black Ops 3 is at its most enjoyable. Cyber-powers and enhanced movement are great additions, but the real star of this latest incarnation is the thruster pack which lets players perform all sorts of parkour like stunts and is wonderfully fluid and simple to use, with all inputs handled by a single button, leaving you free to focus on your enemies! This is easily the best CoD multiplayer in years, the Zombies mode is particularly stylish and entertaining, but the entire landscape is detailed in a vibrant sci-fi style.

Fallout 4 begins with a character waking from a 200 year plus sleep, then making their way into a world where everything’s familiar yet weirdly strange! This isn’t a revolutionary sequel to Fallout 3 and New Vegas, yet the new story and setting, along with the enhanced engine, offers the kind of evolution that you get when a franchise hits a new console generation. The tactical gameplay is action-packed and the setting is a strangely beautiful post-apocalyptic world full of the classic Fallout black humour. Some critics may say that it can be rough around the edges and takes ages to load, but once you get into it, this is as gripping as you can possibly imagine, a world that is rich and beautiful, with compelling stories.

Halo has been the flagship franchise for Xbox since it was launched back in 2001. This latest chapter of Halo offers some big changes to the series, but there are also plenty of familiar elements so long-time fans will feel right at home. Classic Halo combat is offered alongside new co-op and movement mechanics. There are amazing set-pieces and alien worlds to explore and some of the best visuals ever seen on the Xbox One plus addictive Arena and Warzone modes!

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Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of GamesHT.com, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address: contact@gamesht.com

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