Building a Brand from Scratch on Instagram: Tips That You Can Follow

Instagram is undoubtedly an exciting social media channel for building your brand right from a scratch. This platform is visual and the pace with which it is growing is undoubtedly spectacular. Instagram already has millions of active users and at least 50% of them are constantly following a particular brand. However, it is not an easy or simple task to build your presence on this mesmerizing visual platform. You have to have some knowledge before you are trying to establish your brand on Instagram.

Consider the list of the tips that have been mentioned below for building a brand image via your Instagram account.

Creating a profile

You have to create separate business profiles, which will be responsible for containing posts that will have relevance to your business. You also need to add the call to actions along with the link in your Instagram bio if you want to target your potential customers and compel them to visit the business website, your contact page, or the landing page. You have to highlight your business’s value proposition within your Instagram bio. Making use of hashtags, as well as searched keywords in your bio, is considered to be optional because normally they will not be considered in the search results of Instagram.

Linking to various other social media accounts

It is a great idea to repost all the Instagram posts to various other social media accounts that you have, which include Facebook, Tumblr, Flickr, Twitter, as well as Foursquare. You have to link your accounts with the Instagram account, which will simplify the process of sharing the posts on these accounts.

Being regular

Like all the other social media platforms, it is crucial that you are posting on Instagram regularly and ensure that the followers are capable of engaging with the business in an active manner. You will also need to promote the Instagram accounts that you have on the other social media channels for attracting more followers.

Influencer outreach

One of the popular Instagram strategies that most of the renowned businesses follow for promoting their business is influencer outreach. You have to search for the influencer accounts on this platform and look for the profiles that have a huge follower base. It is your duty to ensure that all of these people are from a similar business niche. It is your duty to contact these people and check whether they are going to be interested in doing a shout-out on their Instagram profile.

They may or may not charge money and this is completely dependent on how large their follower base is. You can also go for the barter deals, where they will be promoting your account and you will be promoting theirs. According to, brands, which are on Facebook, are capable of reaching only 6% of followers for every post, whereas the brands that are on Instagram are going to reach 100% of the followers.

Making use of hashtags

Hashtags are considered to be an ideal way of obtaining great search traffic on your Instagram profile. You have to use almost 5 hashtags within the caption of your Instagram posts for improving the visibility of each and every post. You can discover popular hashtags all over the internet but ensure that you are using them only if they have relevance to the business. You can also add the relevant key phrases in order to discover the popularity of the hashtags and make a choice accordingly.

Using professional images

Instagram is one of the best visual mediums and this is why the quality of all the images is known to play a great role in developing the reputation of the brand. You can hire professional photographers when you are sharing the product images on the Instagram page. Make use of the image filters on Instagram for making the pictures look beautiful and trendy. It is also a great idea to look at all the competitive posts for understanding the filters that work perfectly.

Get more followers

You have the option of getting targeted followers on the Instagram profile but you need to engage with them. You have to look for the accounts that belong to your niche. Chances are that they are already following the competitors or the prospect customers. You have to follow all these accounts and make sure that you like and comment on their posts.

Organizing contests

Instagram contests are considered to be one of the most useful ways of improving the interaction level among all the followers. You have to create the contest hashtags and then request your prospective participants to post images that are eye-catching and mesmerizing. Also, ensure that they are using unique captions. Pick a certain number of winners and give them the prizes that are related to the products that you offer. These products can include the branded gadgets, coffee mugs, or things that the target audience is going to find extremely useful.

Using geo-tagging

Instagram allows the brands to add a location of where they are taking the images. You have the option of using this amazing feature for tagging an event site. You can also use it for displaying your business’s location. You can visit Gramblast for getting more Instagram followers.

Creating a teaser

You have the option of building excitement about the contest that is coming up or the product and event launches by providing only an interesting hint of what will happen. You can also ask the followers to guess about the event and build engagement on basis of that. This technique is extremely helpful when you are trying to create a buzz amongst the followers and the prospects.

Scheduling the posts

You have the option of scheduling the Instagram posts in accordance with your time. Before doing anything else, it is crucial that you analyze the posting times, which are perfect for receiving engagement and reach more number of audiences.

Posting videos

You can also post videos that include the promotional ones or the introductory videos of a particular service or a product. You can also post tutorials. Ensure that you are taking care of the quality of the video and take care that they are appealing the target audience.


Since more and more users are constantly shifting to the mobile platform, you cannot ignore Instagram at all. This platform is responsible for providing a huge engagement level and will also allow you to build the story of your brands in the most unique manner.

Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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