Control your Car’s Audio System with an In-Dash iPad Mini

The iPad mini is a device a lot of people will at least consider having in their automobiles. Now if you think that this is just another dream or something that is difficult to achieve, then you are so wrong because this feat has already been done. Although still in its infancy, having been done by Sound-waves of Tampa Florida in the United States a while back many people believe it is a sign of more to come in this regard.

What has been achieved so far?

Okay the iPad Mini is a mini tablet computer that was designed, developed and recently released into the market by Apple Inc. As of today March 20, 2013 together with the fourth generation iPad, the iPad Mini is the latest release from the iPad series. And, many people before it was eventually released speculated about the size of this new iPad, which is a departure from the size of earlier editions including the fourth generation iPad.

Yes, the iPad Mini, which comes with a measurement of 7.9” and weighs 308g (for Wi-Fi) and 312g (for Wi-Fi + Cellular), is considered light. Its screen size is 6.3″ x 4.5.” Now the size of this iPad Mini makes it almost the same with that of a double DN stereo. Therefore, this makes it suitable to fit into the dash of just about any vehicle. It was due to this size that Sound-waves was able to fit the iPad Mini to the dash of a Toyota Corolla.

The in-dash iPad mount was connected with a digital sound system. And, this can be controlled without one having to touch the iPad Mini installed. You can increase or reduce volume from the custom-made control installed along with it. This is made possible probably through the use of Bluetooth. So far, this iPad in question, which slipped in and out of the car also, has full internet access along with its full audio feature.

Now although one needs to consider the fact that all this can be distracting to the driver, it can nevertheless serve as a good source of music for passenger(s), be used in checking maps as well as help in looking up different things.

What’s in store for the future?  

Due to this recent development many are considering the possibility of other tablets being added or mounted to other automobiles. Yes, okay the possibilities regarding the in-dash tablet can be said to be more than what has been achieved so far. And, although as far as the iPad Mini is concerned docks, which connect power together with audio output will be the case. It should equally be possible for other inputs to be gotten into this device as well, like from the OBD port allowing advanced diagnostics.

Who knows what the future holds? Maybe someone will come up with an input that will allow the images from your car’s backup camera to be stored on the iPad Mini or some other tablet. Soon it is possible for Apple or any of the other tablet making companies to come up with an innovation regarding tablets in your car. The possibilities, if one thinks about it are huge and only time will tell when something greater and better comes up.

Lastly, with the iPad Mini custom-made in-dash installation, one thing that has not been mentioned is how much this will cost. Now this does not look like something a lot of people will be able to afford, if you factor in the price of the Mini as well as that of the built-in audio system. Nevertheless, many will definitely look forward to having this tablet or some other tablet being mounted on their automobiles.


Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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