How Online Gaming can Reduce Anxiety and Stress

There has been a lot of discussion about playing video games and its relation to stress relief. Each and every aspect has been covered and many positive and negative impacts of video gaming have been found out. This topic has gone through a significant Research and there is a good news for Gamers which encourages them to play more video games online that can reduce anxiety and stress which are in ample amount in their lives.  Studies have shown that video gaming can significantly reduce stress levels from a person’s brain and it can help them to excel in life if done in a proper limit.

Many Gamers have themselves reported that violent games have significantly managed to release stress and anxiety levels from their mind significantly. But on the other hand, some studies have shown that stressful gaming have led to change in behaviour of Gamers in real life.

Online gaming

Today, online gaming is very common between players as internet has become very accessible to people. Today people prefer online games rather than offline video games. One of the ways of online gaming is playing a slot game which are arguably one of the most exciting Casino games. You can play these games on . Many Gamers rather than playing a video game preferred to play online games on spinit. This website has become very popular as reducing stress levels and anxiety levels have become an important part of the day and many people engage a lot of time in doing so.

As there is an assumption that as there is an assumption that video gaming can be harmful psychologically as well as it can harm a person physically for example reducing the eyesight of a person if he has a directors exposure to high brightness displays.

Psychological harm is also proved by some of the evidences and the assumption has been supported. There is a positive as well as a negative review of online gaming. Both the aspects of online gaming have been proved.

Positive impacts

One of the most important positive impact of online gaming is reduction of stress and anxiety. Many people are likely to gain experience from a game as some situations can also occur in the real life and they have some expertise in handling those situations. It is very important for youngsters in order to get experience from different situations that happen in a video game.

There was another study which prove that after serving about 1600 game players, it has been proved a tool for significant stress recovery and research have showed that games have improved the cooperation power of a person because of the decrease in stress levels.

Negative impacts

There are a lot of negative impacts of video gaming and online gaming only if it is done more than the preferred limit. It also has increased aggression in players and stress relieving factor has not worked for some players as well. If gaming is done within the limit, it can prove to be very successful for person but otherwise it can be the reason of a person not being successful.

Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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