Top 10 Elements of a Highly Effective Landing Page Design

A number of design elements go into a landing page; which elements make the page highly-effective? Are all elements of the same importance? Here we discuss the top 10 landing page elements that are absolutely essential to make your campaign a success.

Data Form

If you include a data form for lead generation, don’t ask for more than your prospect’s lead and Email ID. Be sure to offer some freebie in return. Make sure you include a link to your privacy statement at the bottom of the form.

Your Safety Net

A Safety Net allows visitors to escape without committing. A Follow Us on Twitter or Remind Me button, Bookmark This Page or even a free takeaway will motivate them to return later. If you’re using Remind Me, include a trust statement that you won’t remind them before their selected reminder time.

Your Call to Action (CTA)

Your CTA is all-important; if you’re using a button, make sure it is large and of a very bright color. If you’re using a link, make it powerfully motivating so the visitor will click it. It’s a good idea to include a free takeaway along with your CTA link.

Trust Factors

Earn your customer’s trust by putting up genuine customer testimonials, client lists (in a B2B scenario, known brand names) and so on. Add any other credentials or awards your company has won. Put up Trust symbols such as VeriSign, and including photos of your company, employees and so on.

Consistent Message

Your landing page should follow up the source promise (Ad, content or keyword-based search query). If the messaging is not consistent, you’ll lose your visitor. Maintain the same consistency in your brand message, your USP, and the overall navigation.


Avoid using anything that can confuse your visitor, such as rotating Ad banners, too many images, too many navigation links, animations, too many colors and so on. Make sure the landing page loads very fast, and use only highly conversion-relevant images.


You must thoroughly keyword optimize your landing pages, as this will increase their visibility. Your page must be highly optimized for both humans and search engines. So be sure to use keyword-rich descriptions, CTAs, copy, and so on.

Your Offer Illustration

Include a visual representation of your offer in the form of a photo, a video, a diagram or chart illustrating how customer’s pain point is solved and so on. The illustration should help prospects know what your product or service looks like.

Your USP

Craft a cunning USP that explains exactly why your offer is unique, special and different. Explain what benefit your customer gets from your product or service. Keep the USP short and succinct; the main headline should deliver your message and a sub-header should clarify the main headline.

The Copy

Your copy should focus on answering your customer’s main question, “Why should I buy this product?” Your copy is an extension of your USP, only more detailed. Keep your copy light – a single para summary and a few bullet points should do. Edit and test till you’re happy.

Sohail Qaisar

Sohail Qaisar is the Founder and Managing Editor of, he founded this site in 2011. He loves to write on video games, tech & hardware. Contact him on this email address:

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